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Vitamin D3


Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), often called the “sunshine vitamin,” is an essential nutrient found in specific foods and synthesized by the body through sunlight exposure. In the case of athletes, Vitamin D3 is recognized for its role in promoting bone resilience, strengthening immune capabilities, aiding muscle recovery, and enhancing sleep quality, among other benefits. Since many individuals do not acquire sufficient Vitamin D through these primary means, vitamin D3 supplementation could offer advantages. The supplement also contains a significant amount of vitamin E. Vitamin E is like a protective shield for our cells. It’s been used as an antioxidant, which means it helps prevent damage to our body’s building
blocks from harmful molecules. 

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  • How it Helps

    Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that dissolves in fats and is linked to how our intestines absorb various minerals that occur naturally. It’s known for its role in making our bones strong and supporting our immune system. Not having enough vitamin D can lead to problems like weak muscles, tiredness, and other negative effects.

  • How it Works

    Vitamin D is an essential nutrient found in specific foods and is also made by our body when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D helps keep the right calcium and phosphorus levels in our blood by making the small intestine better at taking in these minerals from our food

  • Recommended Daily Dosage

    Take 1 capsule daily with ample liquid before a meal.



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Multiply the Benefits with Tasnim Vitamin D3
  • Protect your bones by getting enough vitamin D3*
  • Fortify your antioxidant defense system with Vitamin E*
  • Supports Immune System Health*
  • Mood Regulation and Mental Health*
  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Health*
vitamin d3
vitamin d3
One Supplement, Fulfilling Multiple Crucial Roles
Vitamin D:
Supports strong and healthy bones by helping the body absorb calcium*

Helps regulate the immune system and promotes overall immune health*

Contributes to muscle function and reduces the risk of muscle weakness*

Plays a role in reducing inflammation and supporting cardiovascular health*

Supports brain health and may have a positive impact on cognitive function*

May help reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, including diabetes and certain types of cancer*
Vitamin E:
Acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals*

Supports skin health by maintaining its elasticity and reducing oxidative stress*

Promotes healthy hair and nails*

Supports the immune system, helping the body fight off infections*

May help in maintaining cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation*

Supports eye health by reducing the risk of agerelated macular degeneration*
  • Who should avoid taking Vitamin D3?

    Do not use cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) if you’ve experienced a prior allergic reaction to vitamin D or have:
    • Hypervitaminosis D (too much vitamin D in your body).
    • Hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium in your blood).
    • Malabsorption (any condition that makes it hard for your body to take in nutrients from food)

  • Is it safe for Pregnant women to take Vitamin D3?

    It’s recommended that you consult with your obstetrician or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalized guidance based on your health status, dietary habits, and pregnancy needs.

  • Is it Vegan?


  • Is it Gluten Free?


  • Is it Halal?


Our Standards
Lab Tested
Cold Pressed
Gluten Free
GMO Free
30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
D3 drops

"Tastes pleasantly like coconut oil.
It's easy to handle and measure... very satisfied."

Good quality

The products from Tasnim are highly recommended. Fast delivery, high-quality packaging, and contents.

As-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu! Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you!

I ordered vitamin D3, received it, and checked to confirm that it is indeed vitamin D3 and not a cheap Chinese imitation. Vitamin D3 should be like this! 100% NATURAL. As a future doctor, I recommend it! Thank you, everyone! Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you.

Umm Hanifa
Great support for well-being!

I thank the Tasnim team for their responsible work. And I wish you to continue developing in this direction with joy and passion.

Fast and orderly delivery, good quality and

I am satisfied.

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